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IOUG (Collaborate11) in Florida 3rd

今日は、有名?なPythianのAlex Gorbachev(*1)とOraPubのCraig Shallahamerの セッションを楽しみにしていたのですが、残念ながらGorbachevのセッションはキャンセルになっていました。ただ、Shallahamer のセミナーは結構楽しいものでした。

(*1) 昔BAAG(Battle Against Any Guess)というチューニング用語(というか方針)を聞いてなるほど。と思っていたのですが、これを主宰したのがAlex Gorbachevだと今知りました。
また、関係ないですが、BAAGのネーミングはBAARF(Battle Against Any Raid Five)に似ていると思っていたら、BAARFを参考に考えたと記載がありました。


Title      : MySQL Bootcamp: MySQL From a Point of View of an Oracle DBA
Speaker    : William Brock
Description: Both Oracle and MYSQL databases have literally thousands of features and functions. How they are implemented and what features are available can vary widely. Having a simple checklist is virtually useless unless you have an excellent working knowledge of the "guts" of the database (something that can only be obtained by experience actually using the products). The presentation will be from the point of view of an experienced Oracle DBA and a novice MYSQL DBA. The focus will be on administration performance tuning and terminology. By providing an understanding of the differences will help in any migration and/or which RDBMS is appropriate for a particular use. Topics will be limited to default installations of both database.

Title      : Resolving Buffer Busy Related Contention
Speaker    : Craig Shallahamer
Description: Of all the Oracle wait events the buffer busy wait and read by other session are two of the most intriguing. While Oracle never officially locks a buffer during high concurrency situations buffers can become too busy to access. A methodical step-by-step diagnosis and a solid grasp of the relevant Oracle internals is particularly important because there are a number of reasons why a buffer can become too busy and the solutions are derived in part by understanding the underlying Oracle structures. This presentation guides you through the process of discovering if there is a significant problem the related Oracle internal structures wait event name changes a spot-on diagnosis method and solutions for the most common situations you're likely to face. The presentation closes with a case study bringing together all the presented material.

Title      : High Performance OLTP and BI Applications Using In-Memory Database
Speaker    : Susan Cheung
Description: Although real-time Business Intelligence and OLTP applications have drastically different response time requirements both require real-time response to the applications. Flash storage and in-memory database technology are used to improve application response time and throughput. Neither technology is a substitute for the other. Come learn how in-memory database technology complements your storage selection to accelerate application performance by caching performance-critical subset of data from the Oracle Database to in-memory database cache grid in the application tier. Applications continue to read/update data using JDBC OCI PL/SQL Pro*C and ODP.NET while benefiting from accelerated performance automatic synchronization and high availability.

Title      : Oracle Golden Gate: What is all the fuzz about?
Speaker    : Borkur Steingrimsson
Description: After the acquisition of GoldenGate and the roll-out of the latest release a lot of talk has been of this new addition to the technology stack. This paper will take the uninitiated through an introduction to Oracle GoldenGate installation steps setting up the first data loads and look at how Oracle GoldenGate interacts with ODI to implement a Change Data Capture scenario for a real-time data warehouse. Presentation mixed with life demonstrations will strive to give the audience a good idea what all the fuzz is about.

Title      : Why Are We Fighting? Solving Oracle Database I/O Performance Bottlenecks
Speaker    : Jim Czuprynski
Description: Diagnosing an Oracle database that's performing poorly because it's memory-bound or CPU-bound is easier than ever but I/O performance tuning is still more art than science. Join Jim Czuprynski for a somewhat humorous look at helping heal the rifts that sometimes develop between storage administrators and Oracle DBAs whenever I/O subsystem bottlenecks cause Oracle database I/O performance problems.


Title      : Resolving Buffer Busy Related Contention
Speaker    : Craig Shallahamer

その名の通り、buffer busy waitに関するセミナーなのですが、出だしはcache buffer chain、cache buffer lru chain、dirty listなどのbuffer cache上の構造の話、続いてbufffer cacheの話なので、x$bhの話になり、最後に本題のbuffer busy waitの話の流れ。
で、buffer busy waitをbuffer busy waitとread by other sessionに分解し、それぞれ、waitが発生しそうな事象(正確にはブロック)の話。

その中で(前半のbuffer cacheの構造の話)OraPubがフリーで提供しているBuffer Cache Visualizer(正確にはExploring Buffer Cache (Mathematica Notepad))が紹介されていました。きっと、ほとんどの方に不必要だと思われるのですがBuffer Cacheの構造を視覚的に理解できるので良いツールです。

一度、SQLを実行して、どんなラッチを取得して、そこでどんなシチュエーションで、どんな待機が発生しうるのか? その長い道のりを経て、SQLの結果がユーザーに返されるのかをまとめたいと思っていたのですが、そこの説明に役立ちそうです。

* ちなみに、稼働中のOracleのBuffer Cacheの状態を視覚化するツールではないです。各チェーンのバケツがいくつあって、その具であるブロックがいくつあると、こんな感じの構造になりますよ。というのを視覚化してくれるので、構造理解に役立つツールです。

* あと、上記ツールはフリーですが、OraPubのWeb上で購入するという手続きが必要です($0で買うイメージ)

最後に、今日は午後の2時間は、Dedicated Exhibitor Showcase Hoursということで、会場内のホールに出展された各ベンダーさんを見る時間でした(当然強制じゃないです - そのため今日は、8時からセミナーが開始されてました)



  1. Alexさんは優秀なだけではなく、人間性が素晴らしい。おそらく君と同じぐらいの若者です。必ず、挨拶をしてね!!!

  2. そうです。挨拶したかったのですが、IOUGはキャンセルされたのか会うことが出来ませんでした。。。

